That's right. Coffee. Jello. Or jelly. It's a New England-y recipe and a Sullivan tradition but, in retrospect, I think it was more of a favorite of just my Grammie and me. My father and his siblings were subjected to her 'cooking' growing up and, consequently, all became gourmands (cranberry orange cheesecake with a milano cookie crust, anyone?). However, one thing she did right was coffee jello and it always had a place on our holiday table. One year my Aunt Maura found a packaged mix in Maine that was ok, but the basic recipe is simple enough:
2 (1/4 ounce) envelopes unflavored gelatin
1/2 cup cold coffee
3 cups hot coffee
1/4 cup sugar
1 pinch salt
Tip: Instant coffee is perfectly fine. I'd suggest that new Starbucks Via. Any flavored coffee would be good too. One year we did French Vanilla.
In a large bowl combine gelatin and cold coffee
Allow to sit 10 minutes to soften
Add hot coffee, sugar and salt; stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and mixture is clear.
Pour into individual serving dishes and chill till set.
Top with a generous dollop of whipped cream
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