Friday, July 20, 2012

Postcard From Maine: I Want To Go Back To There

Well, I'm back from a relaxing but much too short trip up north to Maine. As usual, I found that there wasn't enough vacation in my vacation. James and I just love exploring new places and Maine is, of course, full of wonderful parks and towns to visit.

This was a little deserted beach we found in Sebago Lake State Park. It almost felt like being on some tropical desert island, apart from the cold water and jet skiers nearby.

Then it was on to Two Lights State Park to take in the ocean air.

Despite several previous visits to the Lobster Shack in Two Lights, we had never explored the trails before. What a treat. The views were breathtaking...

 The trails were lovely as well. It almost reminded me of the grounds of an English country estate. 

This is as outdoorsy as I get.

There were these gorgeous stone staircases all over the park.

I may have gone a little overboard.

Towards the end of our trip we met up with some friends in Portland for the night and went on a tour of Shipyard Brewery. Despite my beer-snob friend Kevin's lament ("You're going to that brewery?") it was actually pretty fun and they are not stingy with the beer tasting.

Alicia and James learning about beer. Thrilling.

 It's coming...Pumpkinhead is COMING.

Sniffing the hops!

 We also may have gone a little overboard in the gift shop...

I then found my new favorite lobster roll at dinner courtesy of the Portland Lobster Co. Of course, as is the hallmark of all good vacations, we spent the rest of the evening talking about how we should all move to Portland and how great our lives would be if we did. Just imagine: Beer and lobster for everyone!

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