I turned twenty-six yesterday (sob) and as painful as it was, I had some delicious food and celebrated with some wonderful people, which softened the blow. First up was dinner at Gaslight with my friend James. I had some lovely halibut in a lobster sauce, but the piece de resistance was dessert: hot molten lava cake with creme chantilly and a cup of chocolat chaud aka hot chocolate. Yeah, I definitely got a look from the waiter but my little death by chocolate was GREAT. When he came over to check in he asked which was better: the cake or the drink? Silly man, cake always wins. Which brings me to....
Our only complaint was the comma. *I'm* Snugs. The cake isn't *from* Snugs.
My birthday cake. As regular readers of this blog know I am obsessed with Flour bakery. Therefore, my beloved cousin Katie ordered me a cake from said bakery for my birthday. I knew that I was getting a cake from Flour, but I didn't know what kind (midnight chocolate) or that the cake would be large enough for 14-16 people. Yep. This is a cake that we had last night. On a Monday. Just me and Katie. So if you feel like indulging in some delicious devil's food cake with chocolate butter cream frosting and chocolate ganache come on over. Please.
We barely made a dent in it. And even making this much damage was tough....
My birthday cake. As regular readers of this blog know I am obsessed with Flour bakery. Therefore, my beloved cousin Katie ordered me a cake from said bakery for my birthday. I knew that I was getting a cake from Flour, but I didn't know what kind (midnight chocolate) or that the cake would be large enough for 14-16 people. Yep. This is a cake that we had last night. On a Monday. Just me and Katie. So if you feel like indulging in some delicious devil's food cake with chocolate butter cream frosting and chocolate ganache come on over. Please.