Monday, March 14, 2011

My Life Via Disney Song

Who knew a Disney song could so thoroughly capture the ennui I've been experiencing as of late? Granted, I've identified with this song since 1992. I mean, come on. Belle has brown hair, reads a lot, and everyone things she's a weirdo. Story. Of. My life.

I only wish Disney proposed a more practical solution to Belle's problems. Preferably one that doesn't involve almost-bestiality.

*side note: I was recently describing the plot of the early 90s tv show Beauty and The Beast to someone. You know, the one where Linda Hamilton is a reporter or something who falls in love or is maybe just platonic with a lion man that lives in NYC's sewer system? This is an actual show that existed on tv at some point and yet we continue to live in a world without Arrested Development.

Now, the Disney song I wish captured my life right now? Well, that's easy:

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