Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Cupcake Break

Today was pretty annoying--as annoying as working on a glorious summer Friday generally is. So, when I left work to go to the bank, I popped into Sugarbelle's West Hartford location on a whim in the hopes of improving my mood.  I'm guessing that since the display case was half empty, I wasn't the only one who needed a cupcake break on Friday.

The lady in front of me with the whiny kid (Seriously,  you're in a cupcake shop. Shut up.) asked how many flavors they make a day. 27. Impressive. Of course, by that time they were down to around 7 or 8, but I still had no trouble choosing. I got my old standby, red velvet, and key lime to remind myself of happier times. It's pretty hard to make a bad cupcake, but these are particularly good, and I'm happy to report that they did the trick. Happy Friday!

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