Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Turkey Dump

Alright, it's taken me a few days to recover from last Thursday, but I'm back! Pictured above is my turkey dinner, courtesy of the Mafucci family of Vito's fame. It was my first Italian Thanksgiving and it did not disappoint. I'm working on getting the recipes for a couple of dishes we had, but you may have to settle for my reinterpretations--nevertheless, everything was delicious and I've definitely been making good use of my Spanx. Thank goodness the holidays are but once a year.


This photo was taken before I got the mashed potatoes and after I ate a ton of stuffed artichokes, lest you think I was feeling a bit peckish that day...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Enjoy Your Turkey Day

I'm peace-ing out for a few days, kids. There's turkey to be eaten, friends and family to visit with, and songs to be sung at the first inaugural Black Friday Karaoke Night (more on that later)

In the meantime, here's some photos I took yesterday at the Copley Square Farmers' Market to keep you entertained....

Chili Rainbow

Sugar pumpkins! So cute! So orange!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday Brunchin'

Emily Fun Fact: I love breakfast. It's pretty much my favorite meal, except you eat it so darn early. So really, brunch is my favorite meal. It's the best of everything with an adult beverage sprinkled on top. And, aside from St. Patrick's Day, it's the only time that it's socially acceptable to drink before noon. Brunch is a great time to catch up with friends, rehash the details of last night, or introduce your parents to that nice fellow you woke up with, because magical things happen over eggs, toast, and lunch entrees.

I had a delightful brunch with my friend Bri at Aquitaine in the South End last week, which is a part of the restaurant group that owns Gaslight, a favorite of mine. It was typically packed, as all good things in the South End are, but our waitress rushed over our bloody marys shortly after we were seated, so we weren't too concerned after that. Now, the thing about bloody marys is they have to be GOOD. Otherwise, they suck. What makes a good bloody mary? Just enough horseradish and black pepper to keep it from tasting like V8. This is tricky though, because too much spice can turn unpleasant pretty quickly. The Aquitaine's bloody mary passed the test--enough of a kick to wake you up, but not enough to put hair on your chest. Predictably, I went with the Provencal eggs Benedict, though I was quite tempted to try the Belgian Waffle with lemon zest and vanilla creme. I'll be honest, by the time our food arrived, things were a little hazy from that bloody mary so my judgment by that point might have been a little skewed, but I think everything tasted delicious.

The bad thing about brunch is if, like me, you get buzzed while waiting for your food, Sunday can easily start to feel like Saturday night. It also doesn't help that Aquitaine is in walking distance of Pops, another delicious restaurant/bar in the South End, that just happens to have the best lychee martini EVER. (no exaggeration) In hindsight, I guess we shouldn't have gone there after wards, but unlike Saturday night, one can have a couple drinks at brunch and still go on to have a semi-productive day.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Baked Pumpkin Pudding

Blah. I got sidelined by the flu for most of this week, but now I'm finally feeling better. On Monday, my school is having a Thanksgiving feast for all of our international students, most of whom have never celebrated it before. It should be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to eating some homemade kimchi that my students promised to make. As for me, I think I'm going to bring pumpkin pudding, which is essentially a pumpkin pie without the crust.

In the epic Cake vs Pie war that continues to rage, I'm not sure which side I fall on...I love cake, but only if the frosting isn't from a can or too sweet. I love pie, but only if the crust is really, really good. Frozen pie crust just won't do. I mean, if I'm gonna eat a bunch of lard, it better be worth the calories and possible blocked arteries. That's why crisps and baked puddings rock: all of the pie goodness, with none of the crusty extras. Enter: Pumpkin Pudding.

I first made this years ago after seeing the recipe in a Superfoods cookbook my mom had. (This will be familiar to some of you as the time I was on "The Bear Diet"--lots of salmon, berries, etc.) Pumpkin is, of course, very high in Vitamin A which helps you see in the dark or something. I don't have the original recipe, but I found
this one on the internet and it works. Just omit the pie crust. You can make a low-fat version by using condensed skim milk, or go in the opposite direction and drizzle caramel sauce on top. I added a tsp of vanilla to mine.

It's pretty similar to the Libby's pumpkin pie recipe and makes excellent use of canned pumpkin, which I'm a big fan of. I'm not one of those purists who insists on making everything from scratch, but if you are, go ahead and waste four hours. That being said, I'm not much of a 30 minute-instant everything-Rachel Ray fan, who apparently makes a bastardized no-bake version of this with the addition of instant pudding. So if you want to be gross, then by all means, check that out.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Best Ever Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate on its way to becoming moussed

Normally, I try to remain relatively modest about my culinary skills. I'm a pretty decent baker and a more than capable home cook, but modesty will do me no favors when describing how unbelievably delicious my chocolate mousse is. Yeah, I said it: Unbelievably. Sinfully. Delicious. Suck on that, Nigella Lawson. (Just kidding. You're pretty and I love you). As I've mentioned before, I took a French cooking class last week and though we didn't have time to make chocolate mousse, our teacher was kind enough to give us the recipe--and now I'm kind enough to give it to you. This ain't for the faint-hearted though: we're talking lots of dark chocolate and even more raw eggs. But, for those who aren't pregnant and brave enough to give it a go, the reward is more than worth the risk.

Chocolate Mousse

6 eggs
7 oz dark chocolate ( use 2-3 oz more if using a Kitchen Aid mixer)

1 stick butter

1 tbs strong coffee (optional)

Melt chocolate and coffee together and let cool. Then, slowly mix in egg yolks. Add melted butter. Beat egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt and gradually add chocolate into egg whites, mixing outside into the center. This is the tricky part. You want the egg whites to retain their peaks, as this gives the mousse its' nice, fluffy texture. Mix too much and it will get gluey. Pour into bowl and refrigerate for several hours.

Serves 6

Right after I snapped this, I dropped my camera in it. Don't do that, unless you like camera.

I didn't add the coffee, because I didn't have any. But coffee is a nice accompaniment to chocolate because it brings out, or brightens, the flavor. Or, at least that's what Ina Garten says. I imagine one could substitute all sorts of yummy liquors for the coffee as well. For me, I stuck with plain, old Trader Joe's Pound Plus dark chocolate from Belgium. It's a great chocolate to use for cooking or baking at a reasonable price.

Now that I have shared this with you, go forth and whip some egg whites!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Why I Love Mr. Darcy: A Polite Rant

"Oh hey. I was just taking a swim in my own private lake..."

Ah, Pride and Prejudice. I first read it at 19 while going through some kind of relationship drama, and ever since then it has become the literary equivalent of comfort food for me. When life gets me down because dudes are acting like shitheads, it gives me hope that there’s a Mr. Darcy out there for me. Sure, I wouldn't mind a guy with a country seat in Derbyshire, but my attraction stems mainly from his character. Darcy is the embodiment of the phrase “Still waters run deep”. Oh, how they do.

But, what has always made him endearing to me is the transformation he undergoes. Yeah, he's a rich, snobby jerk in the beginning, but he changes because of his love for Lizzie. To quote Jack Nicholson's character, Melvin Udall, in As Good As It Gets: “You make me want to be a better man.” When I watched this movie with my mother, I didn't understand why this line made her cry--because I was only 13 at the time. But now, boy do I get it.

Rather than that well-worn notion of women wanting to tame “the bad boy” I think what we really want is a man who is willing to work for us. The truth is, most dudes don’t have to do a whole lot to get a nice girl, but they should have to do something.

One can see this scenario played out in the beginning of Lizzie and Darcy's relationship. He's used to acting however he wants and still getting the ladies, but she doesn’t take his crap and actually makes light of his behavior.

For example, when Darcy and Lizzie dance for the first time, Lizzie breaks Darcy's awkward silence: "It is your turn to say something now, Mr. Darcy. I talked about the dance, and you ought to make some kind of remark on the size of the room, or the number of couples."

You know Darcy would have just let the whole dance continue in silence. She’s the only person who calls him on his bullshit and it works! Through the course of the novel, Darcy eventually owns up to his faults and strives to change them, all for the woman he loves.

As he says:

I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle [...] I was spoiled by my parents, who [...] allowed, encouraged, almost taught me to be selfish and overbearing, to care for none beyond my own family circle, to think meanly of all the rest of the world, to wish at least to think meanly of their sense and worth compared to my own. Such I was, from eight to eight-and-twenty; and such I might still have been but for you, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth [...] you taught me a lesson, hard indeed at first, but most advantageous. [...] You showed me how insufficient were all my pretensions to please a woman worthy of being pleased.

I love that line: a woman worthy of being pleased. *sigh*

So, Darcy fucks up. Big time. But, he doesn’t give up. And, after Lizzie rejects him, rather than completely dismissing her criticisms of his behavior he ACTUALLY LISTENS TO HER. How novel!

He does what ever it takes to win her affection and surmounts numerous obstacles to ensure that they can have a life together. Dude puts in a little effort when things get tough. Lizzie isn’t the richest or the prettiest woman—but she is the smartest and she speaks her mind.

Of course, JA would write a female protagonist who's smart, sassy, and still manages to bag The Most Eligible Bachelor in England. Though she herself died unmarried, she is quoted as saying "I never found anyone worth giving up flirting for." Perhaps that's the lesson to take away from all of this. After all, even Mr. Darcy wasn't "Mr. Darcy" enough at first, but see what can happen if you wait just a few more chapters?

End Rant.

P.S. Colin Firth is hot.

Korean Kimchi

Rainy day got you down? Head over to Super 88!

I've written before about the many perks that come from being an ESL instructor, and while homemade sushi is certainly high on that list, what I truly enjoy is learning about my students' different cultures--especially when it involves food. As part of a recent assignment, I asked them to think of a food that was particularly popular in their home country and then examine whether or not that popularity extended to other countries as well as the reasons why/why not. A Korean student mentioned kimchi, a fermented cabbage dish, and how it has become very popular in other Asian countries. "I think it is too spicy for Americans though," he said. I noted that kimchi, and Korean food in general, has been getting more attention in the press lately, but that it definitely isn't as widely known or consumed here the way Chinese food is.

Table for one, please.

I've been wanting to try kimchi for a while and our discussion pr
ompted me to head over to Super 88 in Packard's Corner and try some. I could write a whole post just on the magic that is the Super 88, but in short it's an Asian grocery store with a pretty great food court. There's about six different restaurants offering everything from Indian, to Korean BBQ, to Chinese Dim Sum all at a cheap price. It's not really the place to bring a date, but makes a great stop for lunch or take out if you're in the area.

Um, I don't think this is enough food...

I ordered the tofu kimchi from Misono Wok, a family-op
erated Korean place. They made it to order and while I waited I grabbed a Thai iced tea from Lollipop, a bubble tea and smoothie bar. It was my first time trying bubble tea, which gets its name from the inclusion of little balls of chewy tapioca that can also be a bit of a choking hazard, especially once you get down to the last dregs of your drink. But, I lived to tell the tale and eat my lunch. For around $8 I got a huge amount of tofu kimchi served with rice and topped with a fried egg. My student was right, it was definitely spicy--more than I was expecting--and I was glad to have my drink to cool down. But mark my words, Super 88. I will be back.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

French Cooking En Brookline: Part Deux

I took my second and final French cooking class this week, where we made more classic dishes: the eternally popular Boeuf Bourguignon, the tres traditional French ham and walnut loaf , and Creme Brulee for dessert. Apparently savory loaves are quite popular in France and despite the rather unorthodox-sounding combination of ham and walnuts, it was actually very tasty. The basic recipe itself works with a variety of fillings and can easily be adapted for a sweet loaf by substituting the salt and pepper for sugar and the oil for butter.

Walnut and Ham Loaf

3 eggs
150g of flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
less than 1/4 C of oil
1/2 C milk
100g shredded Swiss cheese
200g diced ham
75g walnuts

Preheat oven to 350F.
Whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder, eggs, salt and pepper.
Heat oil and milk in a saucepan until warm (do NOT simmer) and incorporate liquid little by little to the flour and egg mixture. Mix well and add cheese. Then, add ham and walnuts.
Pour into a floured and greased loaf pan and bake for 45-50 minutes. Let cool before removing from the pan.

The baked loaf had a nice airy texture similar to a souffle--not at all what I was expecting--and can be served with a simple green salad.

Our teacher also gave us her recipe for chocolate mousse, which I plan on making later in the week.

All in all, I've loved this experience. I was telling my mother about my last cooking class and she said:"It's always good to learn new things and to keep improving yourself." At the time I took this as a typical Mom-ism, but she's right. I've learned a lot about what I enjoy doing, even after just two classes. I find cooking and talking about food to be very satisfying and I've also renewed my interest in learning French. Sometimes that's all it takes to change your life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Zaftig's: Keeping the Balance in Brookline

Living in Brookline and eating at Zaftig's is kind of a no brainer--like trying gumbo in New Orleans or seeing Nirvana in Seattle in 1992: it's gonna be good because the locals won't tolerate anything else.

Likewise, Brookline's large Jewish population means one can't open a deli unless they mean business and at Zaftig's they do just that. So when my father came to visit me last Saturday, I suggested we head over to Coolidge Corner and grab a knish and kvetch. (Just kidding. I'm only this cheesy in print).

Anyways, Zaftig's embodies everything I like about Jewish delis (latkes, smoked salmon, no-frills) as well as a few things I don't (ridiculously long wait times on the weekends). I knew that we wouldn't be seated right away, but the line was still out the door even at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. We were told it would be about a 30 minute wait, so we headed over to Peet's for coffee since my dad needs to re-fuel every couple of hours. By the time we returned, our table was ready.

A certain someone could barely keep their hand out of my shot

After munching on some complimentary bagel chips and looking through the massive menu, we decided to split an order of the potato latkes to start. They were pretty traditional--and that's a good thing, because what would we do without tradition? Eh?

But, for those looking for more modern eats Zaftig's has plenty of twists. My father's chicken pot pie was topped with a massive square of puff pastry, while my cheese blintzes were adorned with an array of fresh fruit. Other not-so-traditional menu items include the chocolate brioche french toast that I almost ordered, as well as the sundried tomato, goat cheese, and chive omelette I had during my first visit to Zaftig's oh so long ago.

It may not look like your Grandma's pot pie, but it tasted just as good.

There's something to be said for successfully meeting (and succeeding) peoples' expectations when it comes to traditional comfort food, while still managing to surprising them.

All in all we both left satisfied and stuffed, just as I expected.