South End Community Gardens
I've long been a fan of gardens, parks, and the like so naturally, one of my favorite things about living in the South End (albeit temporarily) are the community gardens. Living in a city, even one as green as Boston, can certainly make one feel a bit disconnected from Nature. These gardens provide an escape for both gardeners and passersby alike. Anyone can take a stroll through and admire the hard work and patience of those with greener thumbs than me. I also love how each plot is unique to its gardener. It's fun to see the different plants and set ups. Some are hardcore veggie gardens, others take their cue from the traditional English gardens, while many simply function as a green oasis. When I lived in London, some of the ritzy-er neighborhoods had gardens, but they were only accessible to residents. There's something so lovely about the idea behind these community gardens, especially the care people seem to take in their 'bit of earth', as Mary Lennox would say.
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