Sunday, August 15, 2010

Postcard From A Dude

The following is an unsolicited message sent to me by an older gentleman friend (who asked to remain anonymous) during a business trip in California, making it kinda like a postcard! Granted, it's a bit of a stretch and doesn't really have anything to do with food or outings but it's my blog and I can post about whatever the hell I want. You'll read it (hopefully) and you'll like it, dammit! Anyways, he has listened to me whine about dudes a lot this summer and I thought this was rather insightful, if a bit crude. I also think he deserves props for putting together such a missive while accidentally combining alcohol and sleep medicine. Let this be a lesson, kids: If you drink in an airport bar before a flight, your shit will end up on the internet:

Subject: Boys, Girls. Men, Women.

It's all biology, Sully. You like him because he can provide for your babies. He likes your tits and nice ass because they can make and nourish said babies. Failure to realize your (and his) biological imperative will result in insanity. This is the truth. Try to nail someone down before 30. Settle a little bit (but not too much). Force him to commit. Then make a baby. Quick. Do not suffer fools. Ditch 'em. You're top shelf, Sully. Find each other and it'll be awesome. Please trust me. I've seen both sides of the equation and the spinster/bachelor side is a complete fuckology.

I guess I can take comfort in the knowledge that the next time a guy rejects me biology will drive him crazy. muh-ha-ha-ha. Ok, back to foodstuffs!

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