Sorry. I know, I am awful. Maybe that's why I sit alone in a dark room writing about food all day....
Wait. What was this post supposed to be about? Ah. Right. Ted's in Meriden. Ok! So! Connecticut is sort of unofficially known as the burger capital of America or something. There's Lenny's Lunch in New Haven, which claims to have invented the hamburger sandwich. Then, there's my personal favorite, Shady Glen in Manchester which does the whole crispy cheeseburger thing. There's also Harry's in Colchester, Plan B, Max Burger, and The Counter, plus a bunch more. If I've left something out please mention it in the comments.
Now, onto Ted's...Their claim to fame is the whole steamed burger deal. Granted, this isn't the most scientific explanation, but basically the ground beef is smooshed into a metal tin and then steam cooked. Hunks of cheddar cheese get the same treatment, creating a burger that is incredibly juicy with cheese that is super gooey. I sat at the counter and can definitely vouch for the freshness of the meat. No freezer beef here! Ted's also serves home fries with their burgers instead of french fries, which is an interesting twist.

Overall, it was definitely super juicy, but not the most flavorful burger I've ever had. O'Rourke's in Middletown also makes steamed cheeseburgers that I think are tastier. But, Ted's has an ace up it's sleeve: They have a "grilled cheese" on the menu, which is just a double order of steamed cheese on a bun. When I first saw that, I thought it sounded a bit, well, excessive and gross. But, now I can't stop thinking about it. Touche Ted's, touche.

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